阿粒莎:“It would be so easy if loving only gave us the beautiful. But what loving demands is that we face the fear of losing each other. That when it gets messy, we hold each other close. And when we can, we defiantly celebrate our brief moments of joy. “
光本佳美: 三星半金狮提名与前作《拳皇2009漫画》一样贞子是什么还是意大利式喋喋不休的家庭轻喜剧模式虽然故事设置在当代美国亦加入一些无关痛痒的政治背景海伦米伦与萨瑟兰演技在线而剧本有过火也有可爱之处
追剧大佬: Bimguess what看完刚好两周后去日本完美